Large Projects and Commissions

Western Union HQ Denver, CO Elevator Lobbies
When Western Union remodeled their HQ offices in Denver, BGP was able to custom print and paint all of the glass for the elevator lobbies. Click below to see all of the floors.
Western Union HQ, Denver, CO Feature Walls
BGP was also challenged with the Feature Walls for each of the floors at Western Union HQ. Each wall showcases 5 panels, printed, laminated and sandblasted. Meticulously lined up to flow across the seams. There are very few glass companies that can fabricate this product.

St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI
Commissioned by David Griggs. The top piece pictured, named ‘Perichoresis’ was designed for a new athletic center at a College near Green Bay, Wisconsin. Each of the installations uses several overlapping layers of intrintly cast and hand-painted glass. The artist wanted the abstract designs to “merge onto translucent layers of glass, and express the vibrancy of activities in the athletic center while communicating the essence of the College’s mission. The entrance lobby piece is layered and installed as if inside a shadow box. Suspended glass layers appear to float into the lobby space of the building. The second piece, adjacent to the building’s natatorium, is located on an upper wall of a small lobby. This piece uses aqueous colors and wave-like shapes to celebrate physical well-being and the wonder of water.”
'Potenza' - Denver, CO
Commissioned by David Griggs.